Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Olympic results - a game of two halves

Avid readers of this blog (all of you!) will know that I have been a little obsessed with warning that immediate response to media activity would be severely depressed by the Olympics.

“The world will be out to party” was how I referred to it back in May!
Well, with the typical smugness that accompanies “I told you so”, “I told you so”!
The majority of clients still using mass media to recruit mass audience customers have seen a fall in response of between 30% and 50% over the last week.
Hooray! We can still predict accurately.

What’s really interesting though is that this is a game of two halves. Olympic fever is much more pronounced in London and the South East than in the North and Scotland.
And the impact is seen much more on offline than online media. So much so that we are seeing search results improve (albeit marginally) week on week in the North and Scotland whilst declining by 20%+ in London

Even with TV audiences in the 20 million bracket this is clearly not an evenly distributed madness. It appears that London is the kitchen of this particular party!

Mike Colling
Managing Director

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