Monday, 28 June 2010

iAds - ipop ups, just what the world needed

Apple has officially unveiled its new mobile advertising platform, iAds for its new iPhone 4.

The new iAd platform will be built directly into the iPhone 4 OS interface potentially meaning users get little say as to whether they chose to opt in or not. Apple suggest that iAds is being developed to change the face of advertising, but surely this is just a pop up that's been made almost impossible to opt out of as it's preloaded to your handset?

Fear not, Mr Jobs has stated that far from rehash a 10 year old technology, he has in fact identified a flaw of both standard online advertising and TV advertising — the combination of interaction and emotion. The key is that ads will keep users within an app, rather than redirecting users to a browser window. So don't worry that you are seemingly trapped inside a never ending advert as you will be 'enjoying' being 'emotionally interacted with'. Sounds like something a catholic priest might be accused of!

I'm sure all you Apple evangelists will gush that iAds is great and that the ads are so engaging, so relevant, lets just wait until you've been served your 20th 'flab to fab' ad and see how engaged you are! Then again I'm sure there's an app for that.

Bodhi Morrison, Head of Digital MC&C

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